Do you feel uncomfortable in your body?
Struggling to shed those extra pounds?

Tired of disappointing diets that leave you hungry and unsatisfied?

If your weight loss journey feels like a never-ending roller coaster, it's time for a change!

If you’ve ever tried to shed a few extra pounds, you know it can be a roller coaster. You start a new diet and the pounds start to slip away. At least at first.

But then something changes…

You’re at your favorite restaurant, and everyone around you is eating your favorite foods: pasta, burgers, etc. But you pick a plain salad. Why? Because you’re on a diet, and those favorites are off limits.

Meet Dr. Nicholas Cohen - Your Weight Loss Guide:

Meet Dr. Cohen, a former U.S. Army Airborne Ranger and board-certified family physician.

After years of working as a dedicated family doctor, I observed a recurring issue among my patients: the struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many had tried various diets and weight loss programs, often with limited success or unsustainable results. Drawing from my years of experience and my commitment to improving the health of my patients, I decided to create a comprehensive weight loss program that not only focuses on what to eat but also emphasizes what not to eat. This program aims to address common pitfalls and obstacles while promoting long-term, sustainable weight loss and overall well-being.

Key Learnings from Past Failures: Before creating my weight loss program, I analyzed the factors that often led to diet failures among my patients. Some of the key issues included:

  1. Extreme Restriction: Many diets advocate for extreme calorie-cutting or complete elimination of certain food groups. This approach often resulted in nutritional deficiencies, cravings, and ultimately, rebound weight gain.

  2. Fad Diets: Patients frequently fell prey to fad diets promising quick fixes. These diets were typically unsustainable, as they often required unrealistic restrictions or eliminated entire food groups.

  3. Lack of Personalization: Most diets did not consider individual preferences, lifestyles, or medical conditions. This one-size-fits-all approach often led to frustration and failure.

  4. Poor Understanding of Food Choices: Patients struggled to make informed choices about what to eat due to conflicting information about nutrition.

Designing Dr. Smith's Sustainable Weight Loss Program: Taking these observations into account, I designed a weight loss program with a strong emphasis on what not to eat, while ensuring it is tailored to individual needs and sustainable for the long term.

What You Get with the Program:

Are you tired of trying one fad diet after another, only to see your weight yo-yo up and down? It's time to make a lasting change and achieve your weight loss goals. Dr. Cohen's program is designed to provide you with the tools, support, and knowledge you need to not only shed those extra pounds but also transform your life for the better.

Weekly Small Group Coaching Calls:

Benefit: Personalized Guidance and Community Support

Join Dr. Cohen and a supportive community of like-minded individuals in our weekly small group coaching calls. These action-oriented sessions are your opportunity to:

  • Address Your Hurdles: Have a burning question or facing a specific challenge? Dr. Cohen is here to help. He'll provide you with personalized advice and strategies to overcome obstacles.

  • Celebrate Your Progress: Weight loss is a journey, and every step counts. Share your successes with the community, and let us celebrate your achievements together.

  • Get Answers to Your Questions: Have nutrition, exercise, or lifestyle-related questions? Our coaching calls are your platform to get expert answers, ensuring you stay on track.

Private Online Community:

Benefit: A Supportive Network for Accountability and Motivation

In our private online community, you'll be surrounded by individuals who are on the same journey as you. Here's how this community will benefit you:

  • Supportive Environment: You're not alone in this. Lean on the support of others who understand your challenges and cheer you on every step of the way.

  • Accountability: Stay accountable to your goals by sharing your progress and commitments with the community. Encourage and be encouraged by your fellow participants.

  • Motivation: Get inspired by the success stories of others and find motivation to keep pushing forward, even on tough days.

Modules for Lasting Change:

Module 1: Nourishing Choices

Benefit: Learn to Create Delicious, Nutrient-Rich Meals and Personalized Meal Plans

In this module, Dr. Cohen will guide you on a journey of discovering the foods that not only promote sustainable weight loss but also enhance your overall well-being. You'll:

  • Explore Nourishing Options: Dr. Cohen will show you how to craft delectable meals that require no culinary prowess. You'll discover a variety of nourishing foods that will make healthy eating a delightful experience.
  • Personalized Meal Plans: With Dr. Cohen's expert guidance, you'll create a personalized meal plan tailored to your preferences, ensuring that you enjoy the foods you love while achieving your weight loss goals.

Module 2: Moderation in Consumption

Benefit: No More Food Restrictions - Learn Effective Weight Management Strategies

In this module, we embrace a balanced approach to eating. No foods are off-limits, but we'll guide you on the foods to enjoy in moderation for effective weight management. You'll:

  • Banish Food Guilt: Say goodbye to restrictive diets and food guilt. Instead, you'll learn the art of moderation, allowing you to savor your favorite treats without derailing your progress.
  • Effective Weight Management: Discover how moderation in consumption can help you maintain your desired weight in the long term. It's about finding the right balance for a healthier, happier you.

Are you ready to take control of your weight and transform your life? Join Dr. Cohen's Weight Loss Program today and embark on a journey towards lasting change, with the support of a caring community, expert guidance, and sustainable, effective strategies for a healthier you.

Bonus Module 1: Embracing Physical Activity

Benefit: Boost Your Metabolism and Accelerate Weight Loss

In this module, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the pivotal role that physical activity plays in achieving and maintaining weight loss. We emphasize that exercise is not just about burning calories; it's about improving overall health and well-being. Key aspects of this module include:

  • Education: Participants will learn about the science behind how physical activity impacts metabolism and weight loss. They'll understand that regular exercise can increase muscle mass, which in turn, raises their resting metabolic rate, helping them burn more calories even when at rest.
  • Personalized Exercise Plans: Our program offers customized exercise plans that consider each participant's fitness level, preferences, and any underlying health conditions. Whether it's cardio, strength training, or flexibility exercises, we help participants find the right fit for their lifestyle.
  • Accountability: Regular exercise check-ins and goal-setting sessions keep participants motivated and on track. They'll receive ongoing support and guidance from our fitness experts.
  • Long-term Habit Formation: We emphasize the importance of making physical activity a lifelong habit, encouraging participants to find activities they enjoy to ensure they stick with it for the long haul.

Bonus Module 2: Unlocking Better Sleep

Benefit: Optimize Your Hormones and Reduce Cravings

A good night's sleep is often overlooked but crucial for successful weight loss. In this module, participants will discover how quality sleep positively influences metabolism, hormones, and cravings. The benefits of this module include:

  • Understanding Sleep Patterns: Participants will learn about the different stages of sleep and their importance in regulating hormones that impact appetite and metabolism. They'll also gain insights into common sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea.
  • Sleep Hygiene: Practical strategies for improving sleep hygiene will be provided. This includes tips for creating a sleep-friendly environment, managing stress, and establishing a consistent sleep routine.
  • Craving Control: Improved sleep can help reduce cravings for high-calorie, sugary foods. Participants will discover how to better manage late-night snacking and emotional eating through improved sleep patterns.
  • Energy Levels: Better sleep means improved daytime energy levels, making it easier for participants to engage in physical activity and make healthier food choices.

Bonus Module 3: Elevating Your Mood

Benefit: Manage Emotional Eating and Improve Mental Well-being

Emotions often play a significant role in eating habits. In this module, participants will learn how to manage stress, anxiety, and mood swings to avoid emotional eating. The benefits of this module include:

  • Emotional Eating Awareness: Participants will develop a deeper understanding of their emotional eating triggers and patterns. They'll learn how to distinguish between physical hunger and emotional hunger.
  • Stress Reduction Techniques: Practical stress-management techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing exercises, will be taught to help participants cope with stress without resorting to comfort eating.
  • Mood-Boosting Activities: We encourage participants to engage in activities that elevate their mood and reduce the need for emotional eating. These may include hobbies, social interactions, and relaxation techniques.
  • Enhanced Motivation: When participants learn to manage their emotions and stress in healthier ways, they are more likely to stay committed to their weight loss journey and achieve long-term success.

These bonus modules provide valuable insights and tools for participants to address important aspects of their weight loss journey beyond dietary choices. By embracing physical activity, improving sleep, and elevating mood, individuals are better equipped to achieve and maintain their weight loss goals while enjoying enhanced overall well-being.

What People Are Saying About the HealthScore Weight Loss for Life Program:

Nathalie, a busy professional and mother, struggled with diets until she found the HealthScore program. Not feeling deprived, she lost 45 lbs in just 6 months and is on track to achieving her weight loss goal.

Tisa, a nurse, experienced a transformative shift in her perspective about food with our program. She lost 10 lbs in the first four weeks and is well on her way to coming off medications for blood sugar and cholesterol.

Unlock a Healthier Future with Our Limited-Time Offer

Imagine a comprehensive 6-month program that provides you with direct access to a renowned doctor, an online curriculum designed to transform your life, and an unwaveringly supportive community. In today's healthcare landscape, such a program could easily come with a hefty price tag, perhaps as much as $3900.

Here's the incredible news: We are currently offering you the opportunity to join the HealthScore Weight Loss for Life Program for just $997! That's a fraction of what you might expect to pay elsewhere. But why is our program priced this way, and what's the true value of making this investment in yourself?

Why Our Program is Valued at $3900

  1. Doctor-Guided Transformation: Dr. Cohen is not just a name on the program; he's an integral part of your journey. The cost reflects the expertise and personalized guidance you receive from a licensed medical professional who is deeply committed to your well-being.
  2. Weekly Interactions: Unlike many other programs, our weekly small group coaching calls provide you with consistent support and tailored advice. Dr. Cohen's direct involvement ensures your questions are answered, your progress celebrated, and your hurdles overcome.
  3. Online Curriculum: The comprehensive online curriculum is meticulously designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed for sustainable weight loss and improved overall health. It's a resource that you can revisit and apply throughout your life.
  4. Supportive Community: The private online community serves as your lifeline throughout the program. It's a space where you find encouragement, accountability, and a sense of belonging. The value of a supportive network in your journey is immeasurable.

The True Cost of Inaction:

Now, let's consider the cost of not taking action. While our program is an incredible deal at $997, think about what you might be sacrificing if you choose to do nothing:

  1. Health Implications: Obesity and related health issues can significantly reduce your quality of life. The emotional and physical toll of carrying excess weight is immeasurable.
  2. Life Expectancy: Studies consistently show that maintaining a healthy weight increases life expectancy. Your decision today can impact the years and experiences you have in the future.
  3. Medical Bills: The long-term costs of obesity-related medical treatments, medications, and doctor visits can far exceed the price of our program.
  4. Reduced Happiness: Struggling with weight can lead to lower self-esteem, decreased confidence, and a diminished sense of happiness and fulfillment.

So, while $997 may seem like an investment, it's a small price to pay for the chance to transform your life, guided by a trusted doctor and supported by a caring community. It's an investment not just in your physical health but also in your overall well-being and happiness. Don't let the cost of inaction weigh you down; seize this opportunity today to invest in a healthier, happier future.


  • How much weight can I expect to lose?

    Participants can expect to lose 1-2 lbs per week until reaching their target weight.

  • Will I still be able to eat my favorite foods?

    Absolutely! No foods are off-limits in this program.

  • Why is this program different from other options like NOOM?

    Our personalized approach and focus on sustainable habits set us apart, leading to not just weight loss but improved overall health.

Take Control of Your Life Today:

Seize the opportunity to invest in your health by joining the HealthScore Weight Loss for Life Program. Every day you wait is another day with the challenges you'd rather leave behind.

By acting now, you can:

Break Free from the Weight Loss Roller Coaster: Put an end to the cycle of diets that lead to temporary results. Our program offers a sustainable path to lasting weight loss and a healthier, happier you.

Immediate Access:
Make the purchase today and gain instant access to our comprehensive online curriculum and supportive community. Start your transformative journey right away.

Join the First Coaching Call: Your journey to permanent weight loss begins with the very first group coaching call.

Don't miss this opportunity to kickstart your progress and receive expert guidance. Don't wait another day to reclaim your health and happiness. Your path to permanent weight loss begins right now. Take the first step towards a brighter future and join us on this life-changing journey.

P.S.: Today, you have the chance to make a profound investment in a lifetime of comfort, confidence, and well-being. Don't hesitate; enroll in the HealthScore program now, and experience the transformation you've been waiting for. You'll never look back!